wabi-sabi (侘寂) - beauty that is imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete in nature miscellanea- collection of different stuff Here is a picture I fabricated of Space Ghost holding a shark towards a poet called Klute. It's up on a site called Nerdvana, where Klute talked about Shark Week. (I used to work on reality shows, for the majority of a decade, but I left that profession.) I think I first met Klute on a live talk show we both guested on. (I have produced, promoted, and performed live comedy as well as live music, but I shifted my focus to writing.) I took a photo of Klute talking about sharks with a redhead kid I know at Mesa Book Festival, and the picture ended up in coverage of the event. Alongside that redhead kid again, I was quoted in an article covering the next year's Mesa Book Festival. (I also used to organize tabling events for self-published, small-circulation works, but I no longer volunteer with those organizations or events.)
This is all to say, while I aim here for a thorough account of my work, some are casualties to emptied caches and dead links, or I designated them unnecessary to archive (such as canceled projects, or videos I have made private to tinker with or repurpose - or promotional materials or media coverage of out-of-print works of mine, and other things I wrote or edited from now defunct publishers or distros like I used to run). There are also pictures of me from bad angles, where I don't like my outfit, I'm having a bad hair day, or I have a goofy expression on my face. Whaddya gonna do.
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February 2025