Coming in 2022 from Pink Plastic Press - The Book of Korinethians, a print anthology zine of art, poetry, flash fiction and essay about and inspired by the filmography of Harmony Korine, both as auteur and actor. My essay is titled after a song on the "Gummo" soundtrack and includes both real life stories and references to the film and the album.
I am delighted to have two essays in the Drunk Monkeys fourth annual Pop Culture Spectacular.
I put up a short work at, a project with Jane-Rebecca Cannarella. Read it in its entirety on the site!
I have the smallest of contributions to this so let me just explain it as a whole: Chorus Blog is our opportunity as the team behind Meow Meow Pow Pow to share our interpretation of the themes we ask writers to submit work for. Here is our Chorus Blog on... "Bees."
Evading the chaser, toying with her, when she was only trying to get me home.I got my copy of the Modest Proposal Anthology (I have writing in it too).
Congrats Ryan McKee & Ron Babcock, great work! Read my account of our time together at the Modest Proposal site. Explore the ModProp site, then order your own copy of the book at this Amazon link. I hail from Magical Higley, Arizona. To me, it is a state of mind and a place in my heart, somewhere my journey led me which lives on even if you cannot find it on a map like you used to. But it absolutely originates from the real Higley, AZ.
wabi-sabi (侘寂) - beauty that is imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete in nature miscellanea- collection of different stuff Big Pieces for Daddy, Little Pieces for You & Me - from "Halloween, Witches!" at MeowMeowPowPow10/30/2017 Two Cookie Minimum was a reading/storytelling series produced by Johnny Misfit out of Chicago. He visited Los Angeles and held an installment at Stories, a bookstore in Echo Park, and I got to perform on the bill with Johnny, Amber Garza, Kelli Callis, and more. Johnny wrote some nice words about it here.
Note from 4/13/2021: The larger work these excerpts came from is out of print (and Todd Taylor gave them not one, but two complimentary reviews... though the third title from my defunct indie press by a different reviewer was given perhaps a less glowing assessment).
Nevertheless...!!! You can hear some of my favorite parts of the story on this storytelling podcast hosted by Todd Taylor. I had so much fun reading with Myriam Gurba and John Ross Bowie, and this was also the night I met Jim Ruland for the first time. The whole experience is one of my most cherished memories, and I still admire all those people, Razorcake Magazine, and Gorsky Press. |
February 2025